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12 Jun,zh-CN 2014JS Pictures production producers Careers years

  [2014JS Pictures production producers Careers years] 21JS Pictures, a leading drama production company in the cultural industry of the century, is recruiting new and experienced employees 1. Recruitment category and qualification requirements 2. 고용형태 – 3개월 인턴 후 정규직 전환 검토 3. 전형절차 – 1차 : 서류전형 – 2차 : 필기전형, 실무면접 –…

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31 Sea,es 제1회 제이에스픽쳐스 드라마 극본 공모전 수상 작품 발표

‘제1회 제이에스픽쳐스 드라마 극본 공모전’ 당선작을 아래와 같이 알려드립니다. Pyeonsu competition : 총 175편 ( 연속극 : 11편 / Mini : 164편 ) •수상내역 – 대상 : 당선작 없음 – 최우수상 : 3• 3 car won 50 million won each work choejongsim results of four directors consisting of planners and end-stations…

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25 Sea,es The first drama script by JS Pictures released a list of works second pass Competition

"1st drama script by JS Pictures Contest many who appreciate having had to apply for the second pass tell you the following list of works.   A total of 175 films 7 Works have been selected through a secondary screening. Final examination is four (4) After examination of the external judges, 3May 31,(월) 14:00 Announcement of final selection will be…

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10 Feb 2014JS Pictures new year 2nd Announcement of employee recruitment and career

1. 2List of successful candidates a written test and interview practice car [Creators] Producers Production (Three guests) Classification Name mobile phone number in the back seat 1. Imgeunho 8356 2. Gongjieun 7473 3. Lee Hyun Woo 8051 [Planning] Producers planning (A total of seven people) Classification Name mobile phone number in the back seat 1. Hong seobin 7717 2. Personal example 1108 3. Kim Hyun 4925…

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